a bag of bare bones

Month: October, 2022


Its 12.18am
cramps have been killing me the whole entire day
feel like I need 5 days to not move and recover from this

On rare occasions when I do return home, I’m reminded of my youth and particularly my dreams
My room is an experimental bed of dreams and full of all my handmade items that I kept.
The little plank of wood with nails as legs (not my proudest work), all my concrete study models (which i kept!), my ceiling pendant (which reminds me of my courage and creativity, but at the same time, the rawness of it all, reflected my mistakes and it’s imperfections, and most evidently my procrastination haha)
In my uni days, I tried to start a light shop
Not sure why lights too haha, just started with it, and it was called the light experiment (lol)
Unknowingly (or stupidly), paid for the subscription on shopify for a year and did nth with it haha
i still ~~ cringe ~~ at the name hahaha
I couldn’t have fulfilled any orders since I was busy surviving archi school
Closed the shop and went ahead to freelance for diagrams instead since its less time consuming, and it was good money to pay for my hostel

Recently the dream is back, or maybe it never left
(plus, I had more time to think about life after my exams haha)
maybe i shld name it seoseo shop / seoseo store / small home objects (but c felt that it was too common and more importantly – forgettable hahaha)
im itching to make some stuff and cant wait to get started, that is, when I do have the capacity for it

Maybe its the age, but I am unable to OT any longer, and also it feels like I’m drowning in work
My brain, consistently pumped and drained during my work hours
After work, I could only think of what to eat hahaha
and nth else
I require 8 hrs of sleep everyday, or 7? depending on the amount of sleep on the weekend

ok time for bed


two nights before exam

wrote this before the exam hahaha
just wanted to keep track of my mental state which is none HAHA
glad i made it :’) all thanks to honestly everybody that helped me in my life
coz archi is kinda like an apprenticeship
everyone i met has been kind enough to teach me shit :’)

hehe feeling sooo grateful


16 may 2022

it is 3.20am and raining outside, coincidentally I’m thinking abt some souls that I’ve hurt last time for some reason, they must be feeling as lonely as I am now and I get them.

I must admit that I felt guilty for not using the maximum hours in a day to study but my brain is truly fried, I m not sure if I shld continue w contracts or just let it go and study codes ~

I also think that I may not be the most hardworking person ever and it’s just tough that this is happening now

Tho I must say my progression is fast n quick from panicking when looking at the paper, to complaining about the paper and if the same past year qns type came out, im not willing to write the answers for them anymore

Tho not sure what I think of the gaps in my learning and also I haven’t been really attentive to fel’s needs coz I m just studying

Hope she’s surviving her covid shit and I just scratched myself a little too hard by accident

Oh well it’s all fated I guess ~

I don’t dare to look at well wishes coz I’m afraid of them, idk why as well just hope some Archi god or soul can possess me for one day

is it all fated? I guess I’ll update you soon. Goodnight world my eyes r D e d