It still feels kinda surreal. You’re a friend that reminded me of my long lost friend? But I don’t know how to exactly explain the feeling. I feel like I can trust you; I can pour my heart and soul out without you judging me, but at the same time, vulnerable; insecure of what you will think? Are friendships like this supposed to last? Or is it just a temporary and fleeting one? Only time will tell they say. You didn’t remind me of anyone in my life, isn’t it weird? Someone completely out of my social circle, I feel weirded out but also excited? All these feelings are all too confusing. I had once a platonic friendship that grew apart and I don’t know where these insecurities came from, but I’m afraid I’ll lose it all again, maybe it’s cause I’ve lost it once before.

But today was good.

Chill 🙂